CITT has initiated the inquiry on Oil Country Tubular Goods

CITT has initiated anti-dumping inquiry on Oil Country Tubular Goods





Notice was received by the Canadian International Trade Tribunal on October 25, 2021, from the Director General of the Trade and Anti-dumping Programs Directorate at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), stating that a preliminary determination had been made respecting the dumping of oil country tubular goods which are casing, tubing and green tubes made of carbon or alloy steel, welded or seamless, heat treated or not heat treated, regardless of end finish, having an outside diameter from 2 ⅜ inches to 13 ⅜ inches (60.3 mm to 339.7 mm), meeting or supplied to meet American Petroleum Institute specification 5CT or equivalent and/or enhanced proprietary standards, in all grades, excluding drill pipe, pup joints, couplings, coupling stock and stainless steel casing, tubing or green tubes containing 10.5 percent or more by weight of chromium, originating in or exported from the Republic of Austria (the subject goods).

Pursuant to section 42 of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), the Tribunal has initiated an inquiry to determine whether the dumping of the subject goods has caused injury or retardation or is threatening to cause injury, and to determine such other matters as the Tribunal is required to determine under that section.

Each person or government wishing to participate in the inquiry and at the hearing as a party must file Form I – Notice of Participation with the Tribunal, on or before November 9, 2021. Each counsel who intends to represent a party in the inquiry and at the hearing must file Form II – Notice of Representation and Form III – Declaration and Undertaking with the Tribunal, on or before November 9, 2021. The forms can be found in English and French on the Tribunal’s website (